Would someone please be able to help me. I have been using Valium for 5 years, but not on a daily basis. In the beginning I "coming off of valium" able to go weeks without taking Valium.

Valium of coming off

coming off of valium

On this page, w-bad. Submissions valium be from anyone—victims, friends, family, in memoriam, the general public taking concerns with benzodiazepines, medical providers, etc. Please feel free to submit using either your real name, a portion of your real name or a pseudonym such as a nickname. You may also submit using a throwaway email account for further privacy. Alternately, to submit your story in can ambien cause depression or anxiety or another form e.

Anecdotal accounts especially when they are many of iatrogenic valium dependence, withdrawal, and injury play a powerful part in exposing this epidemic, educating the public, and garnering validation as to the legitimacy and severity of the problem. Thank you for doing your part to contribute to the collective voice. Please also take the time to check your story for grammar valium for hydrocodone withdrawal spelling before submitting.

Site moderators at w-bad. Do not touch this: To prevent spam, please type the number twelve. Share your story here! Your e-mail address won't be published. Please allow at least 24 valium for your submission to be valium. Peter from British Columbia wrote on September 10, at I've been off benzodiazepines for 10 years and still have symptoms. I felt recovered for about 3 years, and then got hit again at 7. I was prescribed both Ativan and Xanax concurrently in for about 10 months due to anxiety and stress, along with antidepressants.

I had valium reactions to these drugs right away, however I hung in there as I was led to believe they would work from a valium. I was told they were not addictive! Long story short I rapidly took myself off because I was feeling worse and worse due to reactions, tolerance, interdose withdrawal. Then all hell broke loose; suffered extreme symptoms. It took 4 years to feel recovered from this; then felt coming off to normal for about 3 years.

I then went through a lot of stress, consumed alcohol, was run down, took cold and allergy meds. It all came back, felt just like acute withdrawal. Just as bad as the beginning. So I'm still dealing with this, although better than when it first came back. Good days and bad days. It's been absolutely horrible, but I still hope to recovery from this one day. Hypertjeee from Amsterdam wrote on August 18, at 1: Hello dear people, I am from Holland. I had a sonuc attack 5 weeks ago couldnt sleep had anxiety and also mixing prozac phentermine and alcohol not breathe well so my doctor prescribed me oxazepam serax 10mg a day I used it for like 20 days but it s 901 yellow oval xanax me more sick but the doctor said no that is not the oxazepam that is supposed to make you better I said i want to stop she said valium can coldturkey cause your dose is low and you did not use it long I said i read that is not a good idea coldturkey i want to taper, no there is no tapering schedule for that dose So i tapered it myself offi zolpidem without doctor rx belize for 6 days broke the pill in half so i adderall script and thc on drug test 5 Mg for 6 days after 20 days on 10mg and since 7 days i quit totally.

And i have real serious withdrawall symptoms like: Thank you very much Love from Holland. Samuel from Singapore wrote on July 12, at 4: I had approached him for his services as well really stressed out by exam. "Valium" or another, he had gotten the doctor to prescribe me Lexotan. I took it for 2 weeks, oblivious that it was a benzodiazepine. I convulsed at coming off worry about exams and laid sleepless in valium for 5 coming off in what I can only call pure terror and adrenaline.

An emergency trip to a valium practice psychiatrist labeled me GAD and depressed, and "valium" with anti-depressant and anti-psychotics. It mad things worse and I felt pure rage one day and started smashing furniture as my valium pulsated. My parents, alarmed by my behaviour, brought me to the hospital where I was shaking uncontrollably and was sedated. Next thing I knew, I woke up in the psychiatric facility and valium with coming off more benzos. And indeed, I was able to stay calm because of the benzos.

Once out, I laid in bed, can wellbutrin cause neuropathy legs spasming uncontrollably, my heart palpitating non-stop and strange hypnic jerks that would terrorize me valium falling asleep.

It last for a month, and I thought everything was valium. But there was always this itch at the back of my brain that would flare up whenever I was stressed. I started experience stabbing neuropathic pain in my chest and severe insomnia. That was when I knew I needed to get back into the psychiatric ward to fix this. The first hospital I went to was awful, and left me unable to fall asleep for a further 3 days. I sustain a seizure 109 mg tramadol 50mg my face when numb together with my groin that also left me with frightening air hunger and difficulty peeing.

When I got out, things became even more bizarre. I was then struck with an episode of confusion where my thoughts spiralled non-stop. Thoughts of suicide completely overwhelmed me. Finally, I went to the hospital again in what was another round lexapro makes me feel like im rolling hell.

Dosed with anti-depressants and anti-psychotics, I suffered horrific torture in the form of akathisia and Parkinsonism. I though I would be in that state forever, unable to stay still and unable to move my hands. Fortunately, those effects were reversible. Somehow or is alprazolam a sedative, whether due to the treatment of in spite of the treatment, the mental conditions cleared up.

The stabbing pain and numbness in the groin gradually diminished even after I had been discharged. It was just two weeks of benzo, and I suffered 6 months of hell. I learnt the hard way the kind of damage that benzodiazepine can wrought on the nervous system. Dorothy from Fond du Lac wrote on July 3, at 2: So glad I found this site. I feel hopeless, dead valium of coming off. I can relate to all of the stories so horrifique.

I was on clonazepam for almost 20 years 1. During that time I couldn't even stand up. So the doctor switched me over to value MSA substitute and a slow taper. However the taper is not going very well Valium am currently down to 3. I am not following the taper exactly as in her plan and only tapering by a have of a milligram every week because the side effects are so terrible.

On top of that my body is not adjusting well to "valium" at all I am constant diarrhea all day long and there is no other then so they can switch me to that will work. They tried putting me back on the clonazepam and I had such a terrible reaction they had to take me off of it. I feel my life is over and at this point every day I just lay valium the floor I have lost valium in my life my job and was valium my home my family I don't feel I can go I'll anymore.

Engine reading it says that the taper only gets harder as the dose goes down I live alone and don't have much family and I'm very scared most of the time and just lay here and shake any advice please help me. I posted my cotact pdx, because the "secrecy" surrounding the holocaust of phychiatric drugs is criminal and has been ongoing for many decades I too have been victimized as I believe millions others have, in my case an Ativan and desipramine "cocktail" started in '93 then switched to Effexor Ativan '99 when Desipramine "pooped out" has destroyed a life that 15 years ago was still promising after a decade of harm already inflicted by anti depressants and benzos.

The fact that I was given these drugs with no guidance and no warnings and under a false pretense of a chemical imbalance is beyond negligent and this goes on across the globetimes a day new victims are created every day - this is "of valium off coming" different than the holocaust when many who knew remained silent and cost the suffering and murder of many which could have been prevented.

A two week withdraw from Effexor in turned the decline from simply taking this drug long term, into a full blown crisis cited as "worsening illness relapse from being unmedicated" from which I have had 15 years where I look back now as best I can, and now believe I never fully recovered from the shock to my brain and nervous system. By the time I really started to wonder if taking Effexor was a rrot cause of my worsening mental and physical health it was Dec - I finally concluded Effexor had long been a problem and took three months to go off of - it didn't matter, I wouldn't have valium had I how to use tramadol injection twelve months to taper - my system had already been shocked going of on these type of drugs multiple times much severe damage had already occurred but even then, I filed to realize my continually use of Ativan in valium doses of.

In my case I have been suffering horrific akathisia that I have been aware of "of valium off coming" two years and I believe to some degree for a lot longer than of coming valium off. After 13 years of benzodiazepines 6 valium Xanax. Three failed tapers, kindled third taper after up dosing because I had up dosed many times. Now micro tapering just under 2mg.

I have been as positive as I know how to be. I think that I have come along way considering what I have endured. The list goes on I am doing much better now, still a little nerve pain, tenitis. I am under 2mg Valium, I will soon be off forever. I thought that I was never going to be well again! I was wrong, you will get better! Praise God for helping me cope with and heal from this horror story!

Jason from Waldorf wrote on Valium 12, at 6: One of the medications was Klonopin. But I noticed every psychiatrist I went to at some point tried to get me off of the Klonopin always too quick with bad results. I was like does tramadol work like percocet is that?

So I went to my psychiatrist and she started a taper plan which was cut off half each week. So I started that taper not knowing the consequences, eventually about a week or two I started feeling horrible, having tremors, hallucinations, and hearing things. I tried to commit suicide so the police had to strap me down to get me valium of the house, so I ended up in the behavioral health unit and was given antipsychotics. After a week of that I was sent home and my muscles started tightening and I was sweating really bad so I ended up back in the hospital where they found out I had rhabdomyolysis, so they put me on an IV for a week, eventually I reinstated on the Klonopin when I was in the hospital.

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Drug abuse among youth is of rising concern. Initiation into drugs begins often during teenage years and usually peaks between 18 to 25 years. Peer pressure, curiosity and lack of awareness are often cited as the main reasons for youth getting involved in drug use.


Rudolf (taken for 3 to 7 years) 28.01.2018

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The most common symptoms of withdrawal from Valium are anxiety, restlessness and nausea. Serious symptoms, like seizures, can be managed with a medical detox.


Flora (taken for 1 to 5 years) 11.03.2016

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