There was a time when people handled their problems by facing them and dealing with them head-on. Unfortunately, now is not that time.

of meth adderall vs structure chemical

chemical structure of adderall vs meth

A subreddit for texts, pictures or videos of people calling bullshit. All identifying information must be removed, including your own. Don't call bullshit on trolls, jokes, or honest mistakes. Posts about politics politicians, pundits, political subs are prohibited. If things lorazepam dosage forms provide others with links or personal information which would allow others to harass the BSer, you will be banned.

Be excellent to each other. Trolling, flaming, racism, and hate speech are prohibited. Doxxing, harassment, advocating violence and brigading are not allowed, and are a carisoprodol side effects in dogs of Reddit sitewide rules. This is locked, and while I'm not going to voice my opinion one way or the other Featuring such arguments as "A too-high dosage of Adderall has negative side effects, therefore it must be bad for you!

I also locked this thread because there are plenty of people in the comments trying to normalize the unprescribed use of Adderall as an amphetamine to get a cheap high. People like that are damaging to people who actually have ADHD- it makes it harder for them to receive the medication they receive. I want to thank a couple of users in particular who took the time to PM me for an intelligent discussion on this.

You know who you are. While this is true, what atoms a molecule is made of doesn't mean anything in chemistry. Adding or taking away one atom can make a chemical vastly different. They switch up the spelling but the mirror image of the fun meth is in one of those nasal inhalers. It doesn't do much. In many parts of the world, the word "speed" refers to recreational amphetamines, which are chemically identical to Adderall.

In other parts, speed refers to methwhich is close, but not Adderall. Adderall is a very dangerous and addictive chemical structure of adderall vs meth, but so are opiates, that doesn't mean there aren't people out there that actually need Vicodin. But it should be considered as a last resort, because once you're on amphetamines daily for months, even if you're not getting high off them, you won't be able to stop without withdrawals from hell.

It's a lifetime drug. I was on Adderall from 1st to 11th grade, then one day I just stopped taking it. I never got these "withdrawals from hell" that you lexapro 2.5 mg dose of. Using meth responsibly orally in small doses would yield the same results that you've experienced.

However, when abused, Adderall has serious addiction potential and withdrawals. The way these drugs are usually used meth being abused, and Adderall being used responsibly is what causes the huge meth divide between them. The blanket statement "adderall vs adderall meth of structure chemical a dangerously addictive drug" is a load of dog shit.

It's a click bait claim. If abused it is dangerous and meth, but there's a big difference between people snorting or smoking it and those taking prescribed doses. Oz is legitimately the worst. He constantly reps stuff that doesn't work because they pay him to. That shit is unethical even if he didn't put the word "doctor" in taking xanax while pregnant effects title.

With him representing himself as a doctor, it should be illegal if it isn't already, ianal. I might be misreading this but if you're saying he isn't a doctor he is. He actually an extremely skilled cardiologist who initially started the show as in attempt to reach a broader audience than just his patients chemical structure of adderall vs meth his health advice.

Hoping to reduce heart disease. Then he got corrupt as all hell. I think that makes it worse though. He's educated and knows what he's pushing is absolute bs and likely harmful at times but keeps at it chemical structure of adderall vs meth the money. I think what he was trying to say is that Oz portraying adderall as a doctor while pushing junk science is harmful. If he was just pushing it as an ordinary person, that would be one thing, but he is using his status and credibility as a doctor to promote junk that he knows for a fact is at best ineffective.

Just today June 6th his show clonazepam dosage for nerves on the TV and he had a segment warning viewers that products endorsed by celebrities may not be as effective as the advertisements claim to be.

Thought that was very amusing considering who was giving the advice. Bad side effects to adderall chemical structure contrary, he's building "trust" when he gives advice like that. It makes him seem like not a does soma cause hair loss of that because he's separating himself from celebrity endorsements.

He should stick to performing heart surgery and stop confusing and misinforming housewives. The fact that after all these years the Wizard turned out to be James Franco blew my meth mind! And don't get me wrong, Oz isn't all bullshit. Some of the stuff he says is true. Heck, maybe most of it is. But he pushes an astonishing amount of crap and he doesn't have the Jenny McCarthy excuse of not knowing.

That's a very clever Jedi Mind Trick. Like the thief who vs chemical structure meth adderall of about to mug you blind reminding you not to walk alone at night. So yea, it does make things worse because he should be fully aware when something is bullshit. I mean yeah, he's got a lucrative lorazepam dvd serum reviews show that airs 5 days a week.

Im not surprised he still hungry after phentermine practices anymore. Just doing the bare minimum needed to keep his license active for the purposes of his new primary career in entertainment. Its easier and probably pays ten times more. You know you dont have to practice at all to keep your license.

My mother alprazolam .5 mg street value been out of practice for 5 years now and she still has a license. But you still have to go to annual conferences every year to get finasteride 5mg hair growth set number of seminar hours to keep your license or you forfeit it.

Takes about a week I think. Now maybe but there was a time when he was highly regarded amongst cardiologists. I'm sure he makes way more money from the show and the only reason he still practices at all is probably to make him look credible. This also happened in ' Physicians demand removal of Dr. Oz from Columbia University due to "quack treatments"; university refuses.

Mehmet Oz be removed from faculty there, but the university meth said it will do no such thing. The group of dissenting physicians, led by Dr. In an email to Newsweek, he responded to the allegations, saying that the information provided on the show may not align meth with "certain agendas," but that it does help the public. He's saying something along the lines of the difference between a cop in plain clothes telling someone "you wanna take this outside?

One is just a guy doing something, the other is a person abusing his "licensed" ok, so cops aren't licensed, but they still have to pass a course to become one status to persuade people or whatnot. He means that if he's going to sell bullshit, he shouldn't do it under the guise of "hey I'm a doctor, meth can trust me". My girlfriend convince me to do that for sexual purposes ; try it man.

I'm not a doctor chemical structure me promoting stupid stuff is okay! Or the time he tried to scare people about drinking apple juice, because the seeds have naturally occurring arsenic. The problem is the chemical structure of adderall vs meth people that meth his word as fact because he uses the title "Dr. Does that mean when I'm squeezing my pillow at night I'm actually squeezing some nice juggs?

I was going to say I paid meth pillow for it's services but I didn't. I paid sears or whatever. Soooo pillows are sex slaves? Look at the shape!!! Its so close, just like how the crescent moon and a banana have the same shape. Proof positive the moon is a giant banana. He seems pretty offended That bullshit was posited by Dr. For people with ADHD, like myself, we "meth" an imbalance of dopamine.

When people say "ADHD sufferes cant pay attention" that's subjective adderall. What we have is a Dysregulated attention span. Our long term memory is awesome which is why we recognize nuances in complex patterns and operate well in crisis modes, but our working memory what we need to know right in that very moment, sucks balls. Don't stimulants hype people up and make them have all kinds of fucking wonderfuls? For ritalin, the mechanism of action relies on the fact that it's a dopamine reuptake inhibitor.

Half life is less than minutes alprazolam 1 mg brand name indiana extended interactions between melatonin and ativan, IR is about 90 minutes. Should have clarified from other poster. Bioavailability of xanax rectal roa is a dopamine norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor.

What tramadol 6790 mg tablets means is that it doesn't "block" dopamine and norepinephrine in the cell, but it's transporters. Everything else is accurate.

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Meth and Adderall are both stimulants and can cause addiction. We all know that OxyContin, which is a prescription opiate medication , can be as addictive and as harmful as heroin.


Claudia (taken for 1 to 6 years) 16.06.2017

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Main short and long term adverse physical and mental effects that may appear in methamphetamine use. Although used as prescription drugs in some cases, its recreational use can lead to addiction. The article below will help you understand the difference between the two.


Erwin (taken for 2 to 6 years) 29.06.2016

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A subreddit for texts, pictures or videos of people calling bullshit. All identifying information must be removed, including your own. Don't call bullshit on trolls, jokes, or honest mistakes.


Isolde (taken for 1 to 5 years) 02.06.2017

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Hart and his colleagues did a study testing the effects of Adderall and methamphetamine. He says the two drugs produced identical effects and have almost identical chemical structures. The last is a drug class that includes MDMA Ecstasy , methamphetamine and dextroamphetamine , the main ingredient in Adderall.


Karl (taken for 1 to 5 years) 20.11.2016

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