You've decided to take the plunge and start offering surgical procedures in your office. Following the previous article, you have made the appropriate selection of patients and procedures to perform.

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oral diazepam for cataract surgery

diazepam cataract oral surgery for

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To evaluate the effects of oral diazepam on blood pressure BP alterations in patients that underwent cataract surgery under topical anesthesia. A total of patients that underwent phacoemulsification surgery under topical anesthesia, were reviewed retrospectively. Patients were divided into 2 groups:


Thomas (taken for 3 to 7 years) 06.09.2017

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Diazepam is an anxiolytic, anticonvulsant and central muscle-relaxant. Diazepam is used to relieve anxiety and provide sedation in severe acute anxiety or agitation and for the management of agitation associated with delirium tremens. Acute convulsions including status epilepticus, also convulsions due to poisoning and febrile convulsions.


Kaspar (taken for 3 to 6 years) 18.05.2017

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