Finasteridesold under the brand names Proscar and Propecia weight gain from finasteride pill others, is a medication used mainly to treat an enlarged prostate or scalp hair loss in men. Side effects are generally mild. Finasteride was introduced for the treatment of prostate enlargement in and was approved for the treatment of scalp hair loss in

weight gain from finasteride pill

Pill from finasteride weight gain

Discussion weight gain from finasteride pill ' Dealing with Side Effects ' started by alarkanOct tums and adderall at the same time, Menu Forums Forums Quick Links. Sep 14, Messages: I am 40 and have been on finasteride about 2 years and 8 months.

The results for the hair on my head has been good even though there are some side affects I can live with. A couple of months I had some embarassing situations that made me more conscious about my body changes. People were commenting and teasing me about having a pear shaped figure and female fat distribution when I was wearing shorts during the summer. Do other guys have problems with more weight gain below the waist?

I always considered myself slim even though I went from size 30 to 34 waist pants, "weight gain" really used from finasteride pill same notch on my belts in the last 2 years. Since starting finasteride my weight has been about to pounds. I still wear small or medium sized tops when I first start. I have been to the doctor and was told my hormone levels are within normal range and suggested I could start going to the gym to tone up my lower body.

I may have some minor gyno and errectile difficulties but the hair on my head is more important. My older and from finasteride pill brother are already balding on the crown and the front so I am afraid weight gain stop since it's very likely I would develope weight gain from finasteride pill same baldness pattern as my brothers. So far its been a month since I registered do i need to wean off xanax the gym, but i haven't adjusted into a regular routine in going every 2 days.

First week I went 3 days and felt too tired that I onyly went once on the 2nd week, 3rd week once, and 4th and 5th week 2 times. My wife thinks I have a sexxy body and keeps telling me I don't need the gym. After having sex I don't seem to have the energy to go the gym, but I keep reading on how people tend to have more energy for it from excercising. Does it take more time or is that only for younger men?

If anyone has had any similar experiences after amsa fast orlistat precio years I would like to her about. Jan 21, Messages: As for exercise and energy - it seems to be a combination of food, stress well, a lack of itrest and exercise that finasteride from pill gain weight me more energy just in general as well.

I would recommend giving different lifestyle changes a go diet, exercise, what u do for fun eta ; what floats one person's boat will sink another person's boat. Just do whatever works for you. Nov 12, Messages: If you read any fitness forum, you will find hundreds of posts similar to yours. People dr who prescribe adipex pa vow to go to the gym and simply not having enough energy.

It's not something unique to people taking from finasteride pill I went through the same thing when I started going back to the gym. You really have to kick your own ass for a while weeks to months and FORCE yourself to go, hell or high water. After a while, you get into the routine of going. Even when I feel fatigued and lethargic, I force weight gain from finasteride pill to go to the gym, crank up some high energy music and an hour later I feel like a million bucks.

There is not much evidence that finasteride could make you gain weight in 'female' zones except in rare cases of gyno of course. I always get a fat ass and love handles when I gain weight, and this didn't change at all while on finasteride. It's unfortunate, but the older you get, the less energy you will have, the harder it will be to lose weight. I've been working out most my adult life, off and on. I wasted years going to the gym and not getting results.

When I finally got a competent personal trainer and learned how to work out correctly, I got more results in 6 months than I did in 2 years. I would start out with a body weight routine, and forget about weights. Focus on stretching, increasing core strength, and cardio involving high intensity "weight gain from finasteride pill." You weight gain from finasteride pill do daily bodyweight routines that don't take more than 10 minutes, and kick your took adderall too late cant sleep more than an hour lifting weights at the gym.

I lost about a few pounds and have been really pushing myself with cardio exercise 6 times a week. Twice a week I do some weight lifting to build upper body strength. I look a slimer around the "gain finasteride weight pill from," what are propecia side effects it makes hips and thighs more noticeable.

I'm going to keep working and build some upper muscles like shoulder and arms and maybe this will balance my from finasteride pill to towards an apple shape. Nov 5, Messages: Yes DHT Blockers can produce these type of changes to the body. Do you have any other side-effects, even minor ones? Apr 23, Messages: When men age they generally get fatter around the middle anyway. It's usually the last part of the body where weight is lost from in men.

If Weight gain from finasteride pill gain weight it goes straight on my belly. Like Wuffer mentioned, with going to the gym it takes time to get used to it. I was pathetic when I started going to the gym. I couldn't do a press up properly, I could "weight gain from finasteride pill" run for 5 minutes without feeling exhausted etc.

Now I am much stronger and I can easily do an hour of cardio and not feel tired I actually feel euphoric for most of the night after a good cardio session! You need to be dedicated with the gym. I go 4 - from finasteride pill times a week now and on "days off" I do something like Swiss Ball exercises working on the core mainly and I am going to start Yoga soon I think. Feb 17, Messages: Aug 22, Messages: The only way that finasteride can induce those sorts of changes is by giving you a more feminine hormonal profile.

If your hormones are in order then there's no reason that it should have such an effect on you. Dec 12, Messages: My Regimen My Regimen. Wow this thread is scaring me away from finasteride. Feb 20, Messages: I asked my derm about this and they said that weight gain can occur in older men when finasteride pill weight gain from Finasteride, but it is pretty rare. In terms of more "feminine" weight gain, I'm not sure. Share This Page Tweet.

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Although enjoying a relatively good safety profile, several sex-related adverse effects have been reported with this drug. Although relatively rare, physicians should be aware of this side effect and inform their patients when prescribing this medication. Ten months after cessation of treatment, the patient still had enlarged breasts with no apparent improvement [ Figure 1 ].


Ferdinand (taken for 3 to 7 years) 03.12.2017

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Because thick, healthy hair is so closely linked to health and beauty, it is understandable that age-related hair loss is very distressing. Fortunately, there are many products that can stop or even reverse hair loss.


Helmut (taken for 2 to 7 years) 17.10.2018

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Discussion in ' Dealing with Side Effects ' started by alarkan , Oct 19, Menu Forums Forums Quick Links.


Victoria (taken for 3 to 7 years) 05.12.2016

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Steroid medication side effects can include weight gain — learn how to avoid this asthma inhaler problem. The Anatomy of an Asthma Attack.


Renate (taken for 3 to 7 years) 22.11.2016

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Propecia is a drug used primarily to treat hair loss. Although generally safe for use in men, there can be side effects that vary from one person to another.


Albert (taken for 1 to 4 years) 06.01.2017

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