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I have no trust in him. I can't see myself going to visit him and giving him the opportunity to face me and lie to me again. They can decouple from the crisis thathas hit some parts of the renewable energy sector," a tradersaid, adding investors had welcomed the company's move to scaleback on operations in China and the United States. Slowing Chinese economicgrowth and lack of big stock listings have been a drag on HongKong in the last two years. I've just started at http: The vast bulk of Americans will not obtain college degrees — but the majority will still need significant, and costly, post-secondary education or training. There's no reason that such non-baccalaureate investments cannot be financed the same way: Receive the investment first, pay for it later, base the payment on how successfully the investment produces the desired result — a higher income — kinda like, hmm, investing. Individuals could as Friedman foresaw finance their self-improvement through a share-of-future-profits investing model. At this point, it should be clear that we're talking about moving beyond simply public financing — students and workers could enter into such a percentage-of-earnings arrangement with private backers, too.

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